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Conscience Pricked

May 5, 2013 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Genesis

Topic: AM Service Passage: Genesis 42:1–42:38

Paul reminds us that the conscience is a powerul thing: "They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus."
(Romans 2:15-16) In Genesis 42, we see the Lord begin a powerful work on the consciences of Joseph's brothers.

I. Circumstances of Conscience
A. Hard Circumstances
B. Underlying Purpose

II. Conscience Awakened
A. Turnabout is God’s Play
B. Guilt is Good

III. Conscience Tested
A. Will They Tell the Truth?
B. Have They Changed?

Questions for consideration: (1) Think about the last difficult circumstance in your life? How could God have been working in it? (2) In what way could we encourage others that “feeling guilty” is a blessing? (3) How have you talked about changing but failed to follow through with action?



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