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Repent or Perish

November 23, 2014 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Luke

Topic: AM Service Passage: Luke 13:1–13:9

There are many ways in which we put off thoughts of our relationship with God. We avoid thinking about judgment by comparing ourselves to others around us and, as a result, being confident that we are fine. We assure ourselves that death and any reckoning with our Creator is a long way off, and we have plenty of time to “get right with God.” However, Jesus reminds us that each and every one of us falls short of the glory of God, and therefore must repent. Repentance is not only for those who are the worst of sinners; death and then judgment can come upon us at any time. We must be ready each and every day to “Repent or Perish” (Luke 13:1-9).

I. Necessity of Repentance
A. Travesty
B. Tragedy
C. Truth

II. Nature of Repentance
A. Confession
B. Contrition
C. Change

III. Grace of Repentance
A. Digging with Providence
B. Nourishing with Gospel
C. Exposing Presumption

Questions for consideration: (1) Why do you think it is so easy to view repentance as applying only to others? How can you combat that? (2) Think about the last time you repented. Did you experience all the elements of repentance? If not, why? (3) How can the doctrine of repentance help you to deal with life’s difficulties and tragedies?

More in Luke

December 20, 2015

The Reality of Jesus

December 6, 2015

The Road to Emmaus

November 29, 2015

The Resurrection of Jesus