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Jesus Comes with Salvation

May 10, 2015 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: Luke

Topic: AM Service Passage: Luke 19:1–19:10

There are areas of our life that make others envious as they looked on from a distance. It may seem as if our children are perfectly behaved, our jobs are ideal, and our marriages are trouble free. But the reality may be quite different – as we struggle through life, wondering if everything will just fall apart. It is situations like these that remind us that appearance is not reality and that life is more than impressing others. The story of Zacchaeus is a reminder of how much we need restoration, forgiveness, and grace. In spite of having so much of what the world values – power, money, and authority – what Zacchaeus really wanted was to be free from his sin and to be accepted by Jesus. And the great news of the gospel is that no matter what we have done, or what others think of us, Jesus will come. What great hope there is from knowing “Jesus Comes with Salvation” (Luke 19:1-10).

I. Seeking Jesus (19:1-4)
A. The Man
B. The Mission

II. Sought by Jesus (19:5-7)
A. Jesus’ Initiative
B. Zacchaeus’ Joy
C. Others’ Ridicule

III. Salvation Embraced (19:8-10)
A. Zacchaeus’ Response
B. Jesus’ Affirmation

Questions for consideration: (1) Why do you think this such a well-known and beloved story? (2) What does the way Jesus treated Zacchaeus tell us about how we can come to Jesus? (3) What can you do in your life that shows a joyous and repentant response to Jesus’ grace to you?

More in Luke

December 20, 2015

The Reality of Jesus

December 6, 2015

The Road to Emmaus

November 29, 2015

The Resurrection of Jesus