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Jesus’ Gift to You: A Good Pastor

December 13, 2015 Speaker: Duncan Rankin Series: 1 Timothy

Topic: AM Service Passage: 1 Timothy 4:1–16

Introduction: What makes a minister?

I. A Good Minister Needs Grace
A. He must have the right hope (vs. 10)
B. He must have the right message (vs. 11)
C. He must have the right heart (vs. 12)

II. A Good Minister Needs Greek
A. He must read the Scriptures (vs. 13)
B. He must teach & preach the Scriptures (vs. 13)

III. A Good Minister Needs Gumption
A. He must work hard (vs. 15)
B. He must not neglect God’s gifts (vs. 14)
C. He must pay close attention to himself (vs. 16)

Questions for consideration: (1) What does it mean to have grace? Do you? (2) What do you like to read? Does your list include the Bible? How often do you read? (3) What gifts has God given you? How can they be used to His glory?