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2019 Juarez Mission Trip

Jardines wall-after (2)

We were told in our orientation on the first day of our mission trip, that Mexico is a warm culture that places priority on relationships and people over tasks and schedules. While we have accomplished many tasks and kept a reasonably tight schedule this week, we certainly felt the warmth of our brothers and sisters in Christ here in Ciudad Juarez as we said goodbye to them. Today was the fourth and final day of our work, assisting the churches here as they seek to build bridges for the gospel in their communities. We gathered at the close of the English Camp and shared with the folks in the Torre Fuerte church what this week has meant to us. They were delighted to have us here and we have been humbled at how they have served us, as we have sought to serve them and their communities. After we shared, one of their pastors prayed in Spanish as one of our team translated it for us. Following prayer, we sang the doxology in two languages under the clear Mexican sky. It was a beautiful moment, as we were reminded how Christ is building His church in many parts of the world.

Earlier this week, I had asked the congregation of Christ Church to pray particularly that we would be a blessing to the missionaries. Tonight, one of them shared that they had enjoyed hosting our team, and that our visit had been rejuvenating to them. God answers prayer! Our team has worked hard, and while there have been times that they have had to fill their time with menial tasks, much has been accomplished, the team has had a good attitude, and we’ve had a great week. We have been particularly blessed to learn about the development of the church plants here. God has brought together believers in two struggling churches to form one strong church that has now planted two daughter churches and is working on the third. Much of this growth has come in just the last 7-8 years. We heard of their struggles and discouragement that has come, but through it all, God has brought encouragement. They have been reminded that this work is God’s work-He is bringing the increase.

Thank you for your prayers for us this week. Please continue to pray as we have some time to see a bit of the city on Friday morning, and then cross back into the US in the afternoon. Some of our team plans to return home on Saturday, and some plan to break the trip up and arrive on Sunday. Please pray for traveling mercies and that the spiritual blessings that we experienced this week will remain with us for many months to come. Our team looks forward to sharing more details of our week in our report on Sunday evening, September 15. Please mark your calendars so you can join us and see some pictures and hear a few stories about this wonderful week!