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What We Believe: Judgment for Sin

February 12, 2017 Speaker: Fred Greco Series: What We Believe

Topic: AM Service Passage: Romans 3:23, James 2:10, Psalm 51:1–4, Ephesians 4:18–19, John 8:34, Romans 6:23, James 1:15

WhatWeBelieve6No one likes to feel bad about themselves. We all prefer to think that we are reasonable, unselfish, relatively-upstanding people. As a result, it is not a popular thing to point out sin. That goes beyond pointing out others’ sins (which risks calls of being judgmental) and even goes so far as to pointing out that there is sin and that it is worthy of punishment. As the saying goes, “Nobody’s perfect,” and we take that to mean that we are exempt from any thoughts of punishment for sin. Because if everyone is guilty of something, how could it possibly be worthy of judgment? Theology takes a back seat to culture, and we cannot bring ourselves to believe that God would actually look askance at our little (teeny, tiny) sins (as we define them). But the Bible gives us a very different view – in the Bible we read that each and every sin is worthy of punishment, even the most severe punishment. That is because the severity of sin is not determined just by what was done, but against whom it was done. When we sin against the infinitely holy God, we incur an infinite debt that must be paid. And worst of all, the Bible tells us that all of us are guilty of sins, including far many more than we think we have committed. A proper view of sin is necessary for a proper view of the gospel. Unless we understand the “bad news” of our condition, judged guilty of sin, we will neither seek out nor believe the “good news” of forgiveness and grace in Christ. That is why, even today we must know “What We Believe: Judgment for Sin” (Rom. 3:23; Jas. 2:10; Ps. 54:1-4; Eph. 4:18-19; John 8:34; Rom. 6:23; Jas. 1:15).

“Even the smallest sin deserves eternal damnation.” - 54% of evangelicals disagree
“Everyone sins a little, but most people are good by nature.” - 52% of evangelicals agree

I. The Universality of Sin
A. All Have Sinned (Romans 3:23)
B. The Least Sin Deserves Punishment (James 2:10)
C. All Sin is Against God (Psalm 51:1-4)

II. The Judgment for Sin
A. Sin Alienates from Life and God (Ephesians 4:18-19)
B. Sin Enslaves (John 8:34)
C. Sin Leads to Death (Romans 6:23; James 1:15)

Questions for consideration: (1) What can cause you to minimize the importance of your sin? Why is this a danger? (2) Why is it important to see that all sin is against God? Think about ways you have sinned this week. How were they sins against God? (3) How is judgment for sin a danger and an obstacle to coming to the Lord for grace? Can you think of occasions where a habit of sin has affected your view of God and your desire to come to Him?

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